Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Firelight fiddlers!

'The line of children circled, forming a ring with the fiddlers in the middle. Round and round they whirled, the firelight dancing in their eyes.'

Listen to the first minute of the video below and close your eyes. Imagine Ivan as he watched the children dancing around the fire.


Key questions to think about: 
- What was he thinking as he watched them?
- How did he feel?
- How did his mood change seeing and hearing the music and dancing compared to the journey he had just been on?

Write one of his thoughts as a comment below. Remember to write in first person (I, we, me, our, ours, my)
I, we
me, us
my/mine, our/ours

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Oh, what a journey!

On his treacherous journey, Ivan experienced many dangers and creatures...

A pack of wolves at his heels
A lunging bear
A snowy-owl leaping from it's perch with a scream

Your job is to create a story map from when 'Ivan slipped out of bed...' to 'The snowy-owl circled the snowdrift once and was gone'. Remember to include labels of what he encountered and his experiences, thoughts and feelings along the way.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Snarling and slavering jaws...

'He glanced all about and ploughed through the snow, the wolves at his heels. He leapt; his hands closed around the lowest branch and he swung his legs clear of the ground as the first wolf lunged in a flurry of snow.

The wolves milled, snarling, around the foot of the tree. Their slavering jaws were upturned and their breath rose in plumes around him...'

Write a diary entry as Ivan as he gazed down at the wolves...