Friday, 29 May 2015

Varjak's predicament

Varjak has to make an important decision in Chapter 3. Should the family of cats stay in the house or should they consider leaving?

Write a letter to Varjak from an anonymous friend advising what he should do. Remember to include persuasive language, logical connectives and powerful adjectives. You may also want to use short sentences for emphasis.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

In the middle of his family Varjak felt friendless and alone

Heart racing, Varjak bent back his head [...] it was a man Varjak had never seen before.

Write a diary entry in first person as Varjak Paw as he settles to sleep that night.  Remember to include interesting details, personal thoughts, reactions and emotions. 

Our next book will be...

Varjak Paw by SF Said

Now, look carefully at the front cover. Use all of the information you see to make predictions about the story...

Think about:
- Where is the story set? How do you know?
- Who might the main character be? What is he/she like?
- What adventures might happen in the story? (I think Varjak Paw will..., This story will be about...)
- What do you think ‘This cat must learn to fight’ means?